Our Purpose...
“Doing Good with Wood” is an educational, non-profit corporation that brings people together to learn design, woodworking and “making." Volunteers work together to understand and develop skills and knowledge, and share what they know by producing products for other nonprofit organizations, by hosting classes and events, and by helping people learn woodworking by producing products of their choosing. "Doing good" takes many forms, including helping others acquire the "healthy hobby" of woodworking, creating woodworking products for other nonprofit organizations, helping fellow woodworkers with projects, or hosting fun woodworking activities that help people have fun and build confidence.
Our Goals:
- To use our woodworking abilities to help other nonprofit organizations.
- To help people learn woodworking and gain access to the tools and expertise needed to create their own woodworking products.
- To model an intergenerational learning environment characterized by creativity, design thinking, positive behaviors and attitudes, social skills, and appreciation of cultural and generational differences.
- To help people of all ages develop experience-based self-esteem, and...
- To create a respect for both success and failure as natural steps in the creative process.
Who Can Participate?
- There are no age restrictions, but some projects require more dexterity than others. We enjoy creating "jigs," techniques, "work arounds" and accommodations that allow people with different abilities to accomplish woodworking tasks. We have worked with people as young as pre-schoolers on very simple "assembly-style" projects and we make appropriate accommodations where possible to allow people of various ages and abilities to create personally satisfying products. If a learner is not comfortable with a particular step required to produce something, we are happy to perform that step with or for the learner.
- Those under 18 must have permission from a parent or guardian.
- No prerequisite skills or knowledge are required, but all will need to be trained before using any tool that is potentially dangerous.
- Parental involvement is encouraged, but not required. (Projects developed by family members or teams of friends can be powerful!)
- Adult volunteers with skills are welcome to apply as mentors, but must pass a screening process and may be required to complete screening processes before working with school age learners.
Since 1993
Our Philosophy
We believe that producing an object of functional utility or an object of art from raw materials can have a powerful influence on its creator. The process can promote creativity, can offer opportunities to struggle and succeed, and can build the confidence that comes from success, inspiring the creator to accept another, perhaps greater challenge.
We will assist those who have even a casual interest. We will meet them where they are, and provide the support they might need to envision, design, build, solve problems, and ultimately succeed.

Next Steps...
If you are interested in participating, as a woodworker, as a mentor, or as someone who would like to recommend young woodworkers or mentors, follow this link the our "Contact Us" page and let us know. Thanks!!